Otano Team Ministries is a ministry incessantly dedicated to the personal revival of the believer! The born again experience recreates the believer’s spirit by fusing it to God’s Holy Spirit. However, the mind of the believer needs to be revived by the word of God. This is accomplished by acquiring a clear and accurate understanding of the many principles of the word of God. The results release the power of God to revive one’s entire world.
This is why Pastor Otano has produced numerous preaching and teaching series on CD’s and DVD’s covering a plethora of topics. His profound, yet simplistic approach unlocks understanding for all. His goal is to exult Jesus and see the body of Christ live in the power of the Kingdom.
If you would like to support Otano Team Ministries in helping spread the Gospel, please join us as a partner today by visiting our Partner page. Thank you!

Founder of CRC and Otano Team Ministries

Founder of CRC and Otano Team Ministries